Friday, 3 April 2009

Saebo Stretch: Day 1 - The Morning After

I woke this morning rather reluctantly, but that was more to do with my 6am start for my pre-work driving lesson, than the neoprene bat strapped to my hand. The splint itself didn't seemingly cause me much discomfort, as I fell asleep with little problem and didn't wake up throughout the night having injured myself with it. Don't get me wrong, it's not the most comfortable or natural sensation, I guess I'd imagine it's like having a plaster cast on. When I unstrapped the Stretch (which has managed to stay fully strapped to my arm through the night) I had about an hour of very achey finger joints (the Metacarpophalangeal joint specifically) and I had quite floppy fingers for a short while. However as soon as I started to go about my daily routine my fingers began to clinch up again and returned to their usual fist-like state. I was hoping that I'd have a more prolonged flexibility in my fingers, but I guess it's pretty early days yet... Will watch this space for further developments..

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