Friday 20 February 2009


Sadly not of the sugary sweet variety.. I've been learning to drive with a steering wheel turner mushroom which is 'ok' but I have fairly small hands so being able to hold the turner and reach for the indicator button or lights etc. is quite a stretch for my thumb. It also requires me to look down because I can't see where the buttons are. My instructor told me there was a new device one of his other pupils wanted to try and thought I might like to use it.. the Lollipop, made by the same company that made the mushroom ball turner that I currently use (Lodgeson). The idea is that you unscrew the Bluetooth device (the circular pad with the indicator buttons on) and screw it into this new Lollipop turner. I have to say that driving with this is hugely easier, it's more like driving with a joystick, as you grip the handle and use your thumb to press the buttons above which feels more natural. You can also see the buttons in your peripheral vision which means you don't need to take your eyes off the road.

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